DRAKER DER is set in Igraine, a world on the brink of destruction due to the repeated attacks of the Dread. Aran Lawson, once an ordinary tracker, now finds himself as a dragalier - mankind's final hope. This is the story of our hero and his dragon companion, Eckhardt.
Tighten or loosen your grip on the reins by sliding the chains at the bottom of the screen. The gauge at the top of the screen represents its tension. Ease off to unleash powerful attacks and abilities, but give your dragon too much freedom and you will lose control. If you're not quick to pull back the reins, he will turn against you.
Develop your dragon's abilities, claim victory in battle to earn CP, which you can use to learn abilities and powerful attacks. Unlocking some abilities will close your path to others, so plan carefully and customize your dragon to suit your needs.
Game For Andoid [4.0+]
Type: Action, Adventure, Android, Simulation,
Size: 1.6 Gb
- Extract the game data using Winzip or 7zip (If Have)
- Copy the extracted data to Android/obb
- Install the apk
- Run the game
Download Drakerider APK v1.0.
For Mali devices (Galaxy S2, S3, Note):
Game APK Installation file
For Adreno devices (Galaxy S2 HD, S4, Xperia Z):
Game APK: Installation file
For PowerVR devices (Galaxy S, Nexus):
Game APK: Installation file
For Tegra devices (Galaxy Tab, Nexus 7, HTC One X):
Game APK: Installation file
+ Extract the data using peazip or 7zip.
+ Copy the extracted data to Android/obb
+ Install the apk
+ Run the game
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